Bug Sweeps
Bug Sweeps is known by the handful of qualified experts who perform this very specialized service as, Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures (TSCM). It is, quite simply, the “sweeping” of a room in search of electronic eavesdropping devices which can range from a simple and easily-placed “tap” on your home telephone to an elaborate system of audio and video “bugs” that spy on every movement and conversation in each room of a business or residence. Read More…

Bodyguards/Executive Protection
Bodyguards can be provided when extreme circumstances exist placing an individual in a situation or environment that is potentially physically hazardous. Armed or unarmed, our escorts are all highly-trained, former government specialists who can generally think or talk the client out of danger, but who also possess the requisite firearms, martial arts and evasive driving expertise to save lives in critical circumstances. Read More…

Yacht & Maritime Security
Through education, training, pro-active, on-board countermeasures and a show of force, we transform a vulnerable yacht or commercial vessel into a visibly well-prepared, demonstrably UNattractive target. Read More…

Due Diligence
Due diligence is the discreet investigation of a potential acquisition, merger, joint-venture partner or other prospective investment. The Millennium Group brings its resources (and sources) to bear in putting under a microscope any targeted business or person prior to the signing of a contract. Read More…

Security Consulting
The Millennium Group offers comprehensive security consulting services, from assessments and master planning to policy development, business continuity strategies, and audits. Our team of security experts help clients prevent, plan for and respond appropriately to myriad security risks so they can focus on their business. Read More…